How Does Same Day Service Work?
Same Day Dry Cleaning Available. Just drop off your clothes before 9 am and we will have it cleaned by 5 pm. (Some specialty items, like wedding dresses, take longer to clean and take longer than a day.)
What is the first thing I should do when I spill on my clothes?
Blot the spill, but never rub it, as that can set the stain. The quicker you get it to us, the better, as it is easier to clean a stain before it sets. Club soda and other 'miracle' cleaners, can actually set stains, making them impossible to remove. The more information you provide and the sooner you give it to us, the greater the chance of removal.
What do you do with stains that won't come out?
Winslow Plaza Cleaners has a great success rate getting out difficult stains. However, occasionally we are unable to remove some stains. The best prevention is for you to tell us about a stain before we clean your item. Some stains don't appear until after a cleaning, like battery acid, but we can treat it if we know you've been around such materials. Otherwise, we will contact you to let you know that a stain has been stubborn and talk to you about your options.